OpenView Education

Educational Services

OpenView Education

483 Green Lanes, Palmers Green, London, 07597984841, N13 4BS  (Show me directions)

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  Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 17:00 , Saturday to Sunday: Closed




Anti-Bullying Workshops KS2: 'Speak Up, Stand Tall.'

The students will watch a powerful and engaging performance about a year 6 student named Philip. Along with watching the performance, the students will also get up on their feet and role-play various scenes with Philip. The students will help Philip to make new decisions, and then using drama techniques they will practice and rehearse new behaviours.

The focus of this anti-bullying workshop is to equip students with the skills to deal with bullying situations and to support other primary school students who may be experiencing bullying. This is a high energy, interactive anti-bullying workshop for primary schools, ideal for creating a powerful learning experience for your students in Anti-Bullying Week.

Topics Covered:​

We define the different kinds of bullying including verbal, physical & cyberbullying. We look at how this makes others feel and why students bully.

Students learn the difference between a 'bystander' and an 'upstander'. They will practice being an upstander through role-play situations. For example telling a bully to stop and offering support to a victim of bullying.

We will show the students how standing and walking confidently can protect them against being a target for bullying. We practice appropriate use of body language to tell someone to stop.

The students practice and rehearse what they will do in a bully situation. Confidently saying 'Leave me alone' and walking away with their head high and shoulders back.

How to feel confident and have a strong mental attitude if someone says unkind things to you.

We define the different kinds of cyber-bullying. We learn strategies what to do if we see or experience cyber-bullying.

How to use your voice in an assertive and confident way in a bullying situation.
How to ask for help from a teacher in a polite and confident way to make sure we are clearly understood.

Anti-Bullying Workshop KS1: 'Celebrating Difference.'

Your students will enjoy an engaging and interactive puppet show created specially for Early Years all the way up to year 3 students. We meet Milly and Philip, who learn why it is fun to have a friend who is different from them.

Your students will sing along with Milly and get up on their feet to role-play, rehearse and learn new skills with Philip. The focus of the workshop is to develop empathy, social awareness and to learn what to do if we see or experience teasing or bullying.

Topics Covered:​
We learn why it's fun to have a friend who is different from us.

We learn what we can do to be a good friend. What actions and behaviours mean we are being a good friend.

We define what teasing & bullying is. What are the different ways that bullying and teasing can happen. How does it make people feel if they are being teased or bullied?

We learn to think about how other people feel and how this is part of being a good friend. We practice supporting and helping other students.

We practice asking for help from a teacher or adult in a polite and assertive way. Using our voice so it's not too loud and not too quiet.

Internet Safety Workshops KS1 & KS2: 'Cyber Safety Story.'

The 'Cyber Safety Story' Internet Safety Workshop is a fun, interactive and preformative way for students to learn Internet Safety essentials.
Your performer will vividly bring to life two internet users, Superstar and Footballfan. Your students will then follow the story of these two characters and learn from their experiences.

All of the topics in this workshop are taught through real life examples and situations. Your performer will vividly bring these situations to life via performance. This creates an engaging and high impact e-safety workshop for your primary school students.

We encourage an open conversation about the cybersafety topics covered and students are given the chance to share their opinions. This allows students to draw a clear connection between the workshop content and their own experiences of using the internet.

Storytelling Workshops for Primary Schools:

Have a professional actor inspire your student's imagination with one of OpenView Educations Storytelling Workshops for Primary Schools. Along with a high energy performance of these classic stories, we also use puppetry, costumes and props to get the students involved in acting out the story. All Storytelling Workshops are well differentiated for Early Years, KS1 & KS2 students.

These workshops can be the ideal way to celebrate events such as World Book Day, National Book Week or Black History Month. Please see the workshops we offer below.

World Book Day Storytelling Workshops
Your storyteller will bring classic stories to life and make your students the center of the action. Firing up our creativity we will use ideas and suggestions from the students to take the story on unexpected and exciting turns. This World Book Day Storytelling Workshop is the perfect way to mark the occasion for your whole school.

Black History Month Storytelling Workshops
Anasi The Spider
See this classic African Folktale brought to life by your professional performer. Learn about Anansi an original hero of Afircan folklore, as he triumphs over foes larger than himself. This Black History Month Storytelling Workshop is the ideal way to mark the occasion for your whole school.

The Leopard King
This classic African folk story will bring important lessons to life for your students. Learn how external appearances can be misleading. And how it doesn't matter where we come from, or what we look like, everyone is capable of achieving great things. This is an inclusive and energetic Storytelling Workshop ideal for celebrating Black History Month at your primary school.

Preparing For My Period: Parents/Carers and Daughters.

Studies show that parents and carers want to be included when it comes to puberty and periods education. We deliver the content of this session in a humorous and preformative way to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone. This is an interactive workshop which takes the taboo out of period education.

This workshop starts an open conversation between students and their parents. Together, they will learn about emotional and social implications of puberty and prepare for experiencing their first period. The aim of the session is to increase the confidence of parents to speak with their daughters about puberty and periods, and for students to feel supported by their parent or carer for when they go through puberty.

This workshop is delivered in a presentation format. The workshop can cater for up to 200 people. This means we can deliver the session to all of your year six classes and their parents at the same time.

Topics Covered

Your first period, what to expect, anecdotes and stories.

Sanitary products demonstration including reusable products, their pros and cons.

Changes in emotions and PMS.

Group exercise to encourage open conversations about puberty between student and parent or carer.

Role-play 'my first period' situation so student and parent or carer have a plan of what they will do.

Create a written agreement of what they will do when the student gets her first period.

Our Services

OpenView Education provides innovative, drama based PSHE and RSE workshops to help you meet Ofsted guidelines.
Our mission is to equip students with the self-confidence and knowledge they need to stay safe and to live successful, happy lives. We deliver workshops on internet safety, periods & puberty education and anti-bullying workshops.


Oxford Road Community Primary School

'It was very engaging from the start the messages were clear so the children really understood. It was brilliant, the children really enjoyed the workshop.'

Oxford Road Community Primary School on 24 May 2018

Testimonial About Our Anti-Bullying KS1 Workshop

'Really lovely. The children were engaged throughout and the puppets make it really fun and inclusive for the children.'

Kingsway Infant School on 14 May 2018

Anti-Bullying KS2

'The acting was really engaging and the questions made the children think. The facilitator made the effort to involve all students, even those who were too shy to volunteer.'

Green Fields Primary School on 15 May 2018

Preparing For My Period: Parents And Carers Workshop

'Thank you for helping me feel more confident opening up the discussion with my daughter. It halved my job as a mother! Thank you!'

Parent - Bishop Winnington-Ingram C of E Primary School on 17 May 2018

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Testimonials are curated by OpenView Education and are not independently reviewed or verified.

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